20 January 2011

~~Thankful Thursdays~~Jan 20

I'm very grateful that I was born and live in a country
where I still have the freedom to think, study and choose values for myself.
Although our religious freedoms appear to be quickly eroding,
my daily study from the above tomes
reassures me that my God is in control,
and things are happening exactly according to His plan.

This is my favorite study Bible.
I love the old English language used,
partly for the way it sounds
and partly because it stretches me
to slow down and look up words I don't understand
and really work at increasing my comprehension
of the idea being expressed.

This (green volume) is a book I turn to frequently.
I picked it up at a book sale for $1
and I am amazed at the amount of interesting information it contains.
I enjoy the old black & white illustrations.
There are more modern and colorful Bible dictionaries available,
and someday I may upgrade if I find one I can't live without,
but I'm content with this one at present.

This is my college dictionary...trusty old book that it is,
and I turn to it frequently.
at last year's homeschool convention
which I woud actually prefer to be using.....
but it is packed in a box with other homeschool materials
and resides in another state at the moment.

And last, but not least, is
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
with Hebrew-Chaldee & Greek dictionaries.
A must for comparative word studies.

In addition to these four basic references,
I draw from other resources I have on hand,
as well as the internet.
There are some wonderful web resources available
for all kinds of Bible questions.

I also use a pencil and a spiral bound notebook for taking notes,
and I keep my notes and any other material I may copy or print
from the web in the notebook for future reference.

My daily quiet time studying the Word of God
greatly enriches my life
and I am more grateful to God for it than words can express.

What are you grateful for today?

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