28 April 2013

November 2011

We Say Good-bye to People and Places
We Have Loved So Very Much...

We Finally Make a Last Trip...
With the Last Load...

We Spend Thanksgiving with Family...

We Celebrate a 60th Wedding Anniversary...

We lay a Beloved Aunt to Rest...

...and then we move into my Poppa's home...with him...
because our 5th Wheel (temporary housing plan) 
is in bad shape due to weather...
 and problems we didn't see when we bought it...
...and so the "fun" begins...


So here we are, more than a year later...
having decided to blog again a bit...

How is the best way to ease back in and bridge the gap? 

Maybe a series of simple posts... 
one for each month that has lapsed...
simple photos, simple phrases...

It can never express the craziness of the past year...
but it will provide a bit of continuity?

Bear with me...